
sånt som aldrig borde få hända men ändå händer
En tjej på tumblr skrev detta till mig en gång. Det var ganska längesen men jag hittade texten precis på datorn. Hon har så rätt och uttrycker sig så himla bra:
If people really knew what they do to the people they bully they wouldn't do it. It doesn't just hurt the people's self esteem and ruins their reputation and makes it hard for those people to find friends it affects them even more. For bullied people its hard to trust people ever again and to be open to new people. Some people never earn their self respect back and will always live in this position. It is so much effort to get out of this bullied person situation. People who were never bullied will never understand this and can't support those people because they just don't know how it feels.
Hennes tumblr: